Meeting with tribal outreach consultant and interested tribal members regarding the exterior design of the new Center and progress on the interpretive design. *Double-click on the video to enter full-screen.
Meeting with tribal outreach consultant and interested tribal members regarding the exterior design of the new Center and progress on the interpretive design. *Double-click on the video to enter full-screen.
Meeting with tribal outreach consultant Major Robinson regarding the exterior design and an introduction to progress on the interpretive design.
*Double-click on the video to enter full-screen.
Building Committee Meeting - ABuilding Committee Meeting - August 25, 2020
The Building Committee Meeting provides an update on where we are with the project. The agenda provides details on the meeting.
*Double-click on the video to enter full-screen.
Presentation of opportunities for involvement of tribal communities in Montana in the architectural design process of the new Montana Heritage Center.
*Double-click on the video to enter full-screen.
Neighborhood Meeting - June 4,Neighborhood Meeting - June 4, 2020
The design team held an online discussion with neighbors of the Montana Heritage Center to discuss traffic impacts and potential traffic calming measures. *Double-click on the video to enter full-screen.
Community Open House - April 2Community Open House - April 21, 2020
Presentation of design concepts. *Double-click on the video to enter full-screen.
Building Committee Meeting - ABuilding Committee Meeting - April 15, 2020
Montana Heritage Center 50% Schematic Design Presentation
*Double-click on the video to enter full-screen
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